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Link to Us

Do you have a website? Want to help spread our wallpapers to the masses? Please link to us!

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To link to wallpapers from a specific series, use, e.g. will link to wallpapers from The Slayers.

If there is a specific wallpaper that you like, you can link to its webpage (please don't link to the JPG itself).

Below are some buttons that you can use for linking to us. Please copy them to your own website first rather than hotlinking them or the image won't work.

Contributed by baka_black:
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Anime Galleries dot Net Igor Bass Photography: New York City, Travel and Fine Art Photography
Cool Wallpaper
My Little Pony Ties


Anime series/characters copyright to their respective owners or translators. No copyright infringment is intended or implied.
Layout and other content copyright Anime Wallpapers dot Com